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/ / Candles, Teacups / LOUISE



This beautiful vintage teacup is made of old Paris porcelain, 19th century, Napoleon III style, decorated with flowers, roses and gilding.

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Vintage Louise teacup

  • Height 68 mm
  • Saucer diameter: 137 mm
  • Cup diameter: 93 mm

Perfume developed and produced on the heights of Grasse and guaranteed without CMR, nor Phtalat.

Wax: natural soy wax, guaranteed non-GMO and totally natural

Wick: Cotton

All our candle containers are vintage products.

Please bear in mind that these vintage china pieces are second-hand items that have been in the loving care of others over the years; accept the traces of the past that give them their charm and authenticity.

Conditions of use and safety

Remove the protective cover from the Mademoiselle Candle-Cup wax before lighting the candle.

Before lighting your candle it is advisable to cut the wick to about 0.5 to 1 cm from the edge, as a wick that is too long will produce a flame that is too large and risks black smoke.

It is best to use a snuffer to extinguish the flame of your candle or you can smother the flame by putting a glass on top (do not use the wooden lid).

Keep a minimum safety distance of 10 to 15 cm between lit candles, otherwise the candles may heat up, warp and fall out, causing damage.

Do not place your candle directly on an unprotected table or piece of furniture, use a candle holder or a suitable stand to safely enjoy your candle.

For the safety of your children and pets, it is strongly recommended to keep a burning candle out of their reach.

Also, do not leave a burning candle in a draught as this could cause it to fall on a carpet or push a light curtain over the flame, which could lead to a fire.

It is also strongly advised to keep a burning candle away from any flammable material (e.g. curtain, wallpaper, paper decoration, etc.)

For your own safety and that of your family and to prevent the risk of fire in your home, never leave a burning candle unattended.


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